yesterday I forgot to tell you that I live together in a house with my hostmother, -father and younger -sister. My older hostbrother is a student (anywhere^^) and my older hostsister works and lives in KL.
After having breakfast I went with my hostbrother in a little zoo where we observed exotic animals. After that my hostparents showed me where they work, in Sungai Wang. This is a cakeshop-chain, managed by my hostparents. By the way, my family is Chinese, and therefore we had dinner in a Chinese restaurant. The food tasted really good and the preparation of food in a Chinese way is without the sharp flavor of Malayan or Indian food. Tomorrow we ride to our “origin” house in Kemaman.
Hallo zusammen, in diesem Blog werde ich alle paar Tage meine Erlebnisse in Malaysia schildern und sonst noch erzählen, was grad spannend ist.
Dienstag, 9. August 2011
Samstag, 6. August 2011
Saturday, 16.07.2011
Today I saw my host family for the first time.
After having breakfast in the hotel we had to dress well because the teachers of our school are expected to be there. My teacher looked like an old ninja-master and was very friendly. Then we went to a full audience where nearly all host families were present to pick us up.
One after another was called by name, the host family came in front, a picture was taken, all people acclaimed and the exchange student and his host family left the hall. Unfortunately my host family was not present, so my chapter leader Wendy and I were carried away by another host family to Kuantan. There my host family accepted me and we had a ride to their house in Kuantan. As I experienced later, they have another house in Kemaman. We didn't speak very much because it was very late and everyone except the driver, Mr. Tan, fell asleep. And I'll go to bed now, too.
Fiday, 15.07.2011
Today we went after a second meeting with everyone, three girls from USA arrived today early in the morning, out to visit KLCC. Kuala Lumpur is like a very big anthill. Everywhere are small shops, where you can buy everything. between the shops are driving cars and motorbikes, and everything is overlaid by an all-pervasive smell: Durian. A fruit which smells like it goes bad. But the Malay people love this fruit. generally the small changes all few meters from good to bad. After visiting a Mosque and a small Buddha temple we went to change our money: 1€ = 4RM and one Ringit here is as much worth as one euro in Germany, means for one RM (0,25€) I can buy me a hot dog or sth to drink. A short time after changing our money we went to a traditional shopping mall and I went to a shop, where small ,black fish clean your hands or feed. It was very funny^^.
Samstag, 16. Juli 2011
Hallo zusammen,
wie schon gesagt werde ich während meines Aufenthalts in Malaysia bloggen, womit ich jetzt anfange. Sorry, dass ich erst so spät schreibe, aber ich hab erst jetzt Internet, da ich nun bei meiner Gastfamilie bin. Den Text habe ich aber schon früher geschrieben
Am Mittwoch um 10.45 gings mit dem Flieger los nach Bangkok. Da mussten wir dann einmal Aussteigen um eine ¾ Stunde später wieder in den selben Flieger einzusteigen, mit dem es dann nach Kuala Lumpur weiterging. Während der erste Flug schön ruhig verlief, gerieten wir mit dem Zweiten in heftige Turbulenzen und sackten einmal so ab, dass uns das Frühstück um die Ohren flog. Im weiteren Verlauf des Flugs konnte man dann auch die Petronas-Towers sehen, aber nur durch eine Wolke hindurch.
Vom Flughafen ging es dann mit dem Bus weiter zu einem Hotel in der Innenstadt. Es ist zwar nicht das schönste aber wir sind ja auch nur 3 Tage hier. Ich bin mit einem deutschen und einem spanischen Jungen auf einem Zimmer in der 8. Etage. Der Aufzug hängt an der Außenwand des Gebäudes und bietet einen fantastischen Ausblick über die Stadt.
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